The Lake

May 18th, 2010

The lake was as smooth as glass a few mornings ago and my husband took some pictures from our boathouse. It was so quiet and beautiful.

Enjoy year-round living with a waterfront 4-season cottage in Ontario, offering picturesque views and a serene environment for any season.

Our neighbors to the West.

The abandoned property directly across from us. There used to be a beautiful house here full of antiques and much history. It burned down over ten years ago and nothing has been done with the property. It has a lot of potential. Won’t you come and be my neighbor?

The boathouse toward the East.
This is our wizard that was carved from a fallen red oak tree. He keeps watch over our house.

The mountain laurel in full bloom. Spring in the mountains is a glorious time of the year.

18 responses to “The Lake”

  1. Queen B. says:

    oh just beautiful.
    I love it when the water is like glass…and i love to see the reflections in water.
    great photos !!
    reminds me of a lake in Idaho………

  2. Lake Lure is so beautiful. Your pictures make me want to buy that property across from you and build a lovely lakehouse!

  3. Lea Ann says:

    Beautiful! So pretty that I might just come a live in the rubble of that burned house. 🙂 That mountain laurel is sure pretty. Not sure I’ve ever seen it.

  4. I love the misty morning shots. Just beautiful!


  5. Lyla says:

    Growing up around water made me totally safe and at home in it and in love with the smells and sounds of lakes. I’m your neighbor in spirit. Thanks so much for sharing. Your wizard has tales to tell!

  6. Penny, I would love to be your neighbor. Our mountain laurel hasn’t started yet, but should be soon. These were lovely shots – so peaceful – my favorite time of the day.

  7. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog.

    Lovely photos!

  8. FOODalogue says:

    What lovely surroundings.

  9. What a gorgeous lake. I have never been there, but it sure is pretty. Those pictures are so peaceful. It is such a shame that nothing has been rebuilt on that property. Love & blessings from NC!

  10. racheld says:

    What a lovely view!! And the forlorn stone wall and chimney across the way—I know it could be so welcoming to new people, but the sight is almost like a painting or statuary, or rock formations older than time.

    And I specially love your wizard.

    Also thank you for the mountain laurel—I’ve always wanted to know what they looked like.

  11. Big Dude says:

    Looks like a beautiful & peaceful spot – we really like living on a lake.

  12. Susan says:

    What lovely photos. I would so enjoy a re-do on that house and being your neighbor would have to be the best!!!!

  13. Karen says:

    Gorgeous! You certainly are blessed to live in such beautiful country!

  14. marcia smith says:

    Looks fabulous Penny- heading up to Maine next week and hope to be better on my blogging then!!!

  15. The pictures tell a story of a very tranquil and serene region. How lucky you are to have this as a home.

  16. Robin Sue says:

    Wow it is so pretty where you live and I love Mountain Laurels. I call them my birthday flower, some years it blooms better than others. This year they bloomed too early and weren’t as pretty as yours.

  17. Katy says:

    Breathtakingingly beautiful!

  18. Paris Viens says:

    I am one of your previous guests, with my parents, from when you rented your cottage during the summers. Recently, I was looking through my vacation pictures, and stumbled across the ones I took during that vacation. These inspired me to plan a vacation with my husband and kids. I was hoping to stay at this cabin again;however, it is obviously unavailable, and for good reason. Congratulations on your retirement, your renovations, and your blog with some fantastic looking recipes. Despite not being able to stay at this cabin again, I will cherish the memories that my parents and I created in your lovely abode. Thank you for the ability to make those memories, and I look forward to trying some of your recipes.

© Penny Klett, Lake Lure Cottage Kitchen. All rights reserved.