Sunday Brunch Part 4 – Minted Watermelon and Pineapple Stuffed Celery

May 27th, 2009

This is not a complicated brunch dish but it does offer a new taste sensation and a unique stuffing for celery. One of the blogs I follow is . . . thrice shy written by a high school classmate of mine. Sharon recently wrote about a simple appetizer of watermelon sprinkled with fresh mint and thought the combination was wonderful. It sounded good to me too so I tried the idea for this brunch. It turned out to be a very refreshing addition to some of the richer dishes on the menu and the mint and watermelon are indeed compatible.

An appetizer I have been making for years is Cream Cheese, Pineapple Spread. I usually serve this on crackers, but it is an excellent stuffing for celery. As a matter of fact, I like it better on the celery.


1 cup pecans, chopped
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
1 large can crushed pineapple, well drained
1 Tbls onion chopped
1/2 tsp salt

Mix all ingredients together and serve with crackers or stuff in celery.

Printable recipe

© Penny Klett, Lake Lure Cottage Kitchen. All rights reserved.