Sarlat France

July 2nd, 2013

After riding the motorcycles a long distance from the Normandy Beaches, through the Loire Valley and the Limousin region, we arrived in the Perigord region of France.  Specifically, we arrived in the town of Sarlat, world renowned for the best foie gras, walnut products and really great duck confit.

 After hauling all of our riding gear over to France, you can imagine that I have very little room in my luggage to bring anything home. But foodie that I am, I bought a one pound can of duck fat.  It will be great for frying potatoes.  We spent two days in Sarlat.  While the guys were off riding in the surrounding hills, we girls spent a morning shopping and having a fabulous lunch.

 My lunch started with a zucchini terrine with tomato coulis and lettuce.  I had several terrines on this trip and plan to start experimenting with them when I get home.  They are so colorful and refreshing.

My entree course was coq au vin with potatoes cooked in duck fat.

For dessert we shared a walnut cake with creme anglaise.  It was delicious-partly cake and partly pie.  I would love to make this at home too.

  They have a wonderful market in Sarlat where all kinds of duck and goose products are sold.

The Sunday market also includes fresh fruits and vegetables.  Cherries are in season right now.

Sarlat is a beautiful city.

11 responses to “Sarlat France”

  1. Penny @ The Comforts of Home says:

    It looks like a beautiful city! Your lunch sounded wonderful.

  2. OnePerfectBite says:

    What a wonderful holiday, Penny. Your photos are wonderful and I am with you in spirit, if not fact. I hope you continue to have a marvelous time. Blessings…Mary

  3. Larry says:

    Looks like you guys are having a great time – you do know you can buy duck fat in the US right? 🙂

  4. Pondside says:

    Penny – I have been offline and missed all of your previous posts – just catching up. What a wonderful trip! You are really quite amazing. The sights, the food – and thank you for the wonderful descriptions and photos. I hope we’ll be treated to lots of recipes and ideas inspired by this adventure.

  5. Sam Hoffer says:

    Bring home the duck fat. You’re a very smart gal Penny. Looks like a great time in a beautiful place. Fabulous food you’ve shown. I’ll look forward to your terrines when you return.

  6. Mary Sullivan says:

    Each day sounds better than the one before……………..and you look fabulous ALL the time, as do the other gals. How’d ya do that on the back of a bike????????

    The duck, parts and parcel, I’d have to leave being vegetarian of course, but glad you are finding the food wonderful, of course en France it’s hard to be served anything but!

    Happy trails dear – know this is another wonderful trip and we appreciate you taking time to share from the road.

    Happy 4th – Mary X

  7. Chris says:

    I happan to be watching the 6th stage of le Tour de France right now. I think your idea of “bikes through France” is more my speed these days than theirs 😉

  8. Barbara Williams says:

    No question, you all had a marvelous time, Penny. That last photo is a delight! Yes, duck fat would be a prize to bring home. Love the food photos too…the zucchini terrine looks delish.

  9. Katie says:

    Potatoes, Sarlat style (cooked in duck fat) – love them! They have a great Christmas market that I WILL get to this year.

  10. bryn says:

    We just got back from a wonderful motorcycle trip through Ireland. We enjoyed the great pubs and surprisingly good pub grub! We flew to France and visited Omaha Beach area and Paris. I would love to find out about your trip – it sounds fantastic and we would love to visit those French Regions. The meals look delicious! Was it self guided or a planned tour?

  11. K. Wright says:

    I’m smiling because I brought duck fat back from our last visit to England. And yes, I used it to fry potatoes somewhat like those you had for lunch. The more I read, the more I realize how unique it is to be able to see France on a motorcycle. What a fabulous adventure you had!

© Penny Klett, Lake Lure Cottage Kitchen. All rights reserved.