I have been researching Italian recipes for our trip there in the Fall. I have found several recipes using farro. Farro is an ancient grain in the wheat family that is very easy to digest. It has a nutty flavor and has healthy benefits. Farro is grown in the Garfagnana region of eastern Tuscany. It is also known as spelt and can be used as a grain or ground into flour for bread or pasta.
I found two recipes for farro salad in my search and adapted them to my taste. In the summertime there is nothing better than a cool salad with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, radishes and basil. The farro pulls everything together and the lemon zest, juice and olive oil dress it to perfection. As a luncheon dish it is paired with hard boiled eggs. For dinner I served it with chicken piccata. We loved the nutty flavor and the cool accompaniments.
We are looking forward to a happy 4th of July with our family. We will be entertaining at least 14 family members. It has become a tradition on Lake Lure. I relish the memories that our 2 Grands and their 3 cousins are storing up; swimming, skiing, tubing, hiking, eating, wine tastings (Adults, LOL), crickets, porch lights, sleeping bags, cookies, s’mores, fireworks and love. Will try to keep up here.
Farro Salad: Insalata di Farro
1 cup farro In a bowl, combine the farro with water to cover. Let soak for 2 hours. Drain and pour into a large pot with the 4 cups water. Bring to a boil and cook, uncovered, until very soft, about 40 minutes. (Cooking time may vary as much as 10-20 minutes.) Drain and pour into a large bowl. Add the radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, basil, olive oil, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt and pepper and toss well. Place on a serving platter. Arrange the egg quarters around the edge of the platter. Chill and serve. |